 About me
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As far as my academic education is conserned, i am on evening program at Makerere University offering a course in PROJECT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, I surely need a sponsor so the after this level i may go for Bachelors university, also the daily transporting of my self is very challenging which is  costly . Some times i arrive late for lectures as aresult of transport fee, Heavy rain fall do cause floods in short routes i can use to arrive in time. 
Focusing on Wamala community i live in and at large as a sub-parish, during my personal Voluntary services to the community ,when sensitisation against HIV/AIDs transimission, some ladies arrogantily answer me back that "Did HIV come for trees?. Some conservative culprits who denounces the use of Family Planning Methods claim that the tools brings seviere damage to the user .saying that why can't marry and use them so as not to have children , Others have turned me to be their best enemy because i strictly condemed the sex promiscuties repplying that "Take away your son / daughter from me that i am exploiting". Others remarking that "Shall we not satisfy our sexual needs because you are against the satisfying evils of ours''?. Others say that i am too young to advice them old as they are that, the academic knowledge is lieing to abstaince ,forgetting that  their reasonig capacity is reading them to wards the graves'edges. Those who acept my senstisation always ask me to at spot provide with them the Family Planning Methods {FPM} yet in the village the community lacks a free service centre. During teenager and youth senstisation on 'ABC' tools against HIV transmission, the culprits ask me to at spot supply them with Condoms if i much bather and value their lives.
 However, i have tried my level best to senstise and counselled the victums and refered them to the Urban Centres where the services are in urbandunt at a relative cheap cost.  
Email me at        mugerwarogers@yahoo.com  or call   +256 0774